Friday, August 15, 2008

I AM NOT WELL............ :(

Oh... this cough, throat pain, and high fever.... how painful is this! Unbearable... I feel its the punishment god gives us for being a human... Can't even have some days leave from school as I am the one who will be waiting for the CBSE 10th board results... Got it right?

Our Silicon City's weather is so unpredictable. This city gives me so much of happiness but sometimes I don't know what happens to this and makes me unwell. Sometimes cold and suddenly so hot...

From about 2 weeks I am suffering from this painful illness... I know you all will think this gal is so weak that she can't bear a small fever but I would like to say that the one who suffers knows the pain and if one day you feel the same way you will surely remember me and tell how correct am I :)


xyz said...

yes its true!!
I also agree with it as I am also suffering from the same ailment!!

Anonymous said...

so wat should i do :(