Saturday, August 9, 2008

Say No To 'XXXXXCigaretteXXXXX'

Now-a-days, if you see around you can see 1 out of every 5 (average)person will be smoking. When I see anybody smoking, a sort of shock hits my mind. When government is stressing on ban on smoking then why don't people stop that dreadful and fateful act? This really bothers me and today morning when I was just walking down the street I observed a person choking and coughing while smoking. This act made or I should say compelled me to write this.

As I told earlier Govt is struggling to ban this by conducting awareness programmes but still there are some people who still smoke. I feel sorry for them and feel like telling to stop so that others can survive. Do you know the effect of smoking obviously effects the one who smokes but also the one who inhales the smoke.

First of all, Mother Nature has warned to to stop exploiting her otherwise she will destroy earth along with us. Most of the pollutants are SO2, CO2, NO2... Which are given out while smoking. This confirms that smoking is one of the reasons causing pollution. If you don't know the constituents of cigarette, you can glance the image here. May be then this can be stopped...

If still people cannot understand the ill-effects of smoking then unfortunately we all will have to get ready to face a very dreadful and painful future. If not we then probably our next generation Whoever it is one thing is for sure that Nature is not going to spare us or forgive us for the pain we are causing her now.

ITS NOW OR NEVER....So please think about this once more and if possible, to some extent, stop this...