Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Life Before Boards!! :-)

As soon as I got the 9th standard results and got started with new academic session nothing was there in my mind except for the new textbooks. Teachers on first day asked us to be serious about boards but we had absolutely no idea about how 10th is. Then gradually we started having monthly tests , pre-boards etc...

In between we were tried to be made serious. Question papers distributed, mock tests, presentations, extra-classes, study materials and this list never ends. Then finally when the date-sheets were out I felt a little that yes!! Teachers were right!! Its do or die for us!! But this excitement too faded in 2-3 days.

Then what?!?! My regular studies started. It was the very same way I used to do in other classes. Then gradually the days were near and first was SSc (The subject which I m very scared of). This was the first time I was going to face boards and was quite scared. But then when I went to the exam hall and was reading the question paper I felt boards are just like any other exams or rather I should say easier than others. But yes!! SSc as usual was tough for me.

Then came Sanskrit the subject you need to learn the least but remember a lot! It went easily. Then came maths, English and finally Science all went quite satisfactorily. And like any other students I had my own plans of stuffs to be done after exams. But whenever I thought about it I felt as if the days are going slowly. And finally there was 30th of March. The final day of one of the hurdles(quite easier one) approached and I was very reluctant to study anything and was waiting for the list that I had created to be completed. But then somehow the exam got over and I was a free-bird again.

And now nothing special or exciting going on. But then there are three months. Lets do it slowly man!! Take it easy!! :P

So on the whole there wasn't anything serious with me before exams.

Then there was a situation which every 10th standard student would have gone through soon after exams. My cousin (now in 10th) is worried about her boards and was asking me for some advice and I had absolutely nothing to say. But then when I remember my old days I felt pity for her and adviced her not to be worried even a single bit and study the very same way she used to in other classes.



Nithinkrishna Shenoy said...

These three months are the only "free months" that you will get in your life. After this its all about JEE coaching classes, CET etc etc. Just happened to go back seven years in time when i too was in the same state.

Mindbloggler said...

Yea... :-)

Anonymous said...

Life is such....Imagination makes you laugh or cry...where as reality doesn't!Why?Because we have already imagined so much abt the fear(we can say this here) that we know how bad/good it is...
All the Best for the results...and wish me luck too!
You have any clue who I am?

harini said...

wow...gud one akshata..!!!

Mindbloggler said...

@Anonymous, Yes you are correct right!! But I have no idea who you are! :-\

@Harini, hehehe... thanks!! :-)

kavya : ) said...


kavya : ) said...

I m not commenting on the on the pic..
i.e the report very much looks lyk mine..:):)

Mindbloggler said...

@Kavya, hehehe... yes of course!! :-) Wish you good luck for that.

Saiswarup said...

I was that anonymous who wrote that stupid comment! :)

Anonymous said...

All the very best :) And enjoy your vacation :)

Anonymous said...

B/w nice post :)

Mindbloggler said...

Thanks. :-)