Thursday, May 7, 2009

Zoozoo is zoo zweet!! :P

Vodafone advertisements have always been popular. Remember when the pug used to follow the school bus? When it used to help the little girl with her homework. Oh goodness... it was really very cute. And now Vodafone has come up with another of its distinctive kind. And I am sure you guys are not at all wondering what it is! Yes.. you got me right!

Zoozoos! The egg-shaped-head, the round body, the cute walking style, the different language has attracted a million viewers. Besides DLF IPL, people have got another excuse of getting glued to Television Sets keeping aside all their work.

As everyone wondered what they actually were, its all cleared now that its NOT an animation but real humans. They are the belle dancers from Mumbai (as people say, but as per my knowledge they are from an Asian country) On the whole there are 30 ads shooted. It means many are still to come! :D

I feel these kinds of ads attract more and more viewers. They not only attract kids but almost all the adults appreciate the creative idea by Indian Animators. They are really very cut, adorable, creative and innovative.

Let me tell you something really very funny. I used to never watch cricket. But now whenever I am inside the room with my chore and if at all I happen to hear Zoozoo's sound I go running to the hall o watch and then sit down and watch cricket with so much of enthusiasm and interest. And thanks to Zoozoo for this change. :P

And another interesting thing about Zoozoo being the large number of fan-following. Facebook has got the official Zoozoo fan club (Neo@Ogilvy, the digital arm of O&M, which is managing the Zoozoo Facebook brand page) has till now 125,264 fans. Wow.. when I joined a day back it was onlt 80 000 and now!! This shows how Zoozoo has managed to create its magic over almost everyone.

Anyways I always used to love cartoons, and now I have got another (not-so) animation!

I simply appreciate their creativity, innovation and hope they attract more and more and more viewers ( I think ony a few more are left! :P )


Glenn said...

With more than 130,000 users becoming the fans of ZooZoos on its brand page called ‘zoozoo’ in a few days, it seems that Vodafone India brand has hit the right chord, as far as social media campaign is concerned. The zoozoos have become the rage in India.

Become their fan and check out their brilliant ads.

Mindbloggler said...

@ Glenn, Thanks! :-)