Friday, July 31, 2009

My first ever poem- The Clock

Hey friends! This time I here to show you my creation. I mean my first poem! :P Hope you like it!!

The Clock

I am useful to all
Dwarfs, long and small
I own two golden hands

With different color bands

Here live twelve characters
Without whom
I am a mere actor
One hand extra moving faster
And battery makes me last longer

Different shapes I possess
I am people's easy access
I hang on a wall or sit on a shelf
Just like a serene couched elf!!!

I hope you enjoyed it!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tight Schedule

Ha!! I know its been a long time since I have updated my 'golb'. Almost 3 weeks.

So now when I am back let me tell you WHY there weren't any posts from my side!! And here goes the ONE-WORD ANSWER- 11th :'(

First day in school was amazing. Ummm.. most of my friends won't agree on that. But I thoroughly enjoyed the first day. Although it wasnt the SAME class I used to study. As most of my friends had decided to continue in the same school, there wasnt any problem in adjusting. But as days went past, it was getting more difficult to cope up with the studies rather than the new class. New class didnt bother me much but the textbooks!! :P

And to my disappointment, first day our Principal announced that she had been transferred and in a few days new Principal would be coming. Gosh... everything NEW!!! Let me repeat what all new-new class, new textbooks, new teachers and now to my dismay NEW PRINCIPAL!!! As my friend says, HOW LAME!! :D

And then again, there was a 'heart-breaking' announcement!! week your UT starts... Although I never listen to announcements on stage, this phrase went penetrating into my mind and compelled me to listen to it. What a feeling it was! Good or Bad?? I think you are intellegent enough to guess it! Right??

No doubt my first week went bad. Gradually, we got used to the new Principal who turned out to be good!! ;) And consequently, I was busy with 1st UT preparations. And yes.. I am STILL busy with it!! ;)

No. My parents dont force me to study over-night and stuffs.

I dont answer much in class. And my name is not Nikhil too!! ;)

And many of the subjects above we dont have @ all!! muahah!! :P

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Daddy Cool!!!

Happy Father's Day!!!

No doubt you are very special to me. There are a hundred compliments for you. But very difficult to pen down.

Thanks for everything. I remember all the fights with you and now I just love those moments. :P

May you live longer and longer and longer!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Its All About Nature!!!

Hey friends! Sometimes don't you wonder how exactly Nature works?! How does a very small seed grows into such a huge tree? How does a bud (which seems to suddenly grow on some part of the plant, most of the times between many leaves ) grows and turns into such beautiful flower? How each fruit gets its distinctive color? How does the fruit smell so pleasant? How does it have distinctive aroma? And these questions just go on continuing without an END. People say its all about Nature. And also creation of god. Some say Nature is God and others God is nature. I am not sure about this puzzle but whoever created such beauties takes a bow from me. I experienced a situation which left me with my mouth opened. I was speechless. I could feel the aroma spreading into the whole room and then into my hall. My mom nurtured it with water everyday. With intense love and care, my mom used to put vegetable peels and fertilizer. Yes!! You got me right. I am talking about a plant. Hmm.. Before explaining my experience let me tell you which plant it is and what is or rather *are* its specialties.

Brahmakamal or Queen Of The Night or Epiphyllum Oxypetalum. As the picture shows its pure white in color. It has a very pleasant fragrance. The plant comes from a cactus family. The buds of the flower arises from the leaves. The flower blooms once in a year. Not only that! It blooms ONLY at night. The color of its fruit is purplish-red.

So What exactly happened was that one beautiful morning when I woke up, to my surprise, I could see a few buds on some leaves of my plant. From that day I used to watch the plant carefully. And to my dismay, each day a bud used to fall off. And finally there wasn't any buds left but one. And then I had to satisfy myself with the only bud and, as usual, started watching it carefully everyday, though it was my mum who used to water it. It grew everyday to certain extent. And for me, who never saw any plant like that, it was an excitement.

Days past... And the bud grew into a larger bud.

And guess what!?!? One morning suddenly the bud opened a little. I thought, till tomorrow night, the flower will fully bloom. But, as I had no idea about the plant at all, the flower started blooming the same day and at night it fully bloomed. The fragrance spread into my room. And I was enjoying the feeling.

While getting onto the bed, I had a final glimpse of the flower. Next morning, something unexpected happened. The flower withered. I was regretting to have not seen it bloom. But then I thought there are few more buds which will bloom.

PS: I got the information about the the plant in detail after all this happened. I switched on my laptop and started reading about it the very next morning. It was then I got to know that the blooming of the flowers is an annual phenomena. And the buds, which have grown now, with fall off and its only in the year 2010 i will be able to watch the

Hopefully next time I can watch it bloom.

Friday, June 5, 2009

The Other Stall

This is one of the random mails I received. Loved it. So here it is. Hope you all love it!! :-)

This could happen to you!

I was barely sitting down when I heard a voice from the other stall saying:
'Hi, how are you?'

I'm not the type to start a conversation in the restroom. I don't know what got into me, but I answered, somewhat embarrassed, 'Doin' just fine!'

And the other person says:
'So what are you up to?'

What kind of question is that? At that point, I'm thinking this is too bizarre so I say:
'Uhhh, I'm like you, just sitting here.'

At this point I am just trying to get out as fast as I can when I hear another question:
'Can I come over?'

Ok, this question is just too weird for me. I figured I could politely end the conversation. I say:
'No........I'm a little busy right now!!!'

Then I hear the person say, nervously:
'Listen, I'll have to call you back. There's an idiot in the other stall who keeps answering all my questions!!'

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Zoozoo is zoo zweet!! :P

Vodafone advertisements have always been popular. Remember when the pug used to follow the school bus? When it used to help the little girl with her homework. Oh goodness... it was really very cute. And now Vodafone has come up with another of its distinctive kind. And I am sure you guys are not at all wondering what it is! Yes.. you got me right!

Zoozoos! The egg-shaped-head, the round body, the cute walking style, the different language has attracted a million viewers. Besides DLF IPL, people have got another excuse of getting glued to Television Sets keeping aside all their work.

As everyone wondered what they actually were, its all cleared now that its NOT an animation but real humans. They are the belle dancers from Mumbai (as people say, but as per my knowledge they are from an Asian country) On the whole there are 30 ads shooted. It means many are still to come! :D

I feel these kinds of ads attract more and more viewers. They not only attract kids but almost all the adults appreciate the creative idea by Indian Animators. They are really very cut, adorable, creative and innovative.

Let me tell you something really very funny. I used to never watch cricket. But now whenever I am inside the room with my chore and if at all I happen to hear Zoozoo's sound I go running to the hall o watch and then sit down and watch cricket with so much of enthusiasm and interest. And thanks to Zoozoo for this change. :P

And another interesting thing about Zoozoo being the large number of fan-following. Facebook has got the official Zoozoo fan club (Neo@Ogilvy, the digital arm of O&M, which is managing the Zoozoo Facebook brand page) has till now 125,264 fans. Wow.. when I joined a day back it was onlt 80 000 and now!! This shows how Zoozoo has managed to create its magic over almost everyone.

Anyways I always used to love cartoons, and now I have got another (not-so) animation!

I simply appreciate their creativity, innovation and hope they attract more and more and more viewers ( I think ony a few more are left! :P )

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Excitement I Can't Bear Anymore!

Hello friends! I am back after quite a few days. :P This time I am not at all thinking about the old ways when I was preparing fro my boards. Nor am I bothered about what goes on in mind after the exams.

So, this title tells you what? No...! I am just not excited about my marks. No...!! Not that excited about the new session. Hmmm.... ummm... ok ok.. will stop thinking so much about it and will reveal it. Its kind of kiddish but then its a very good feeling which goes through my mind each and every time during the whole day.

About a 15-20 days back, my brother visited US for a summit held at Stanford University. He was there for almost a week or so. And like any other sister, I had my own list without even thinking of whether he would be able to get those. Not even thinking of his strain, I made my own huge list which had many things. From a Swatch watch to a Ferero Rocher. From bags to shoes. From jeans to umbrella and this list just goes on and on and on. But then when I came to my senses, keeping my excitement apart, I realized that we get almost everything here. And also realized how irritating it would be to bring all those which we get in India itself. Then, spending a sleepless night I somehow (with great great difficulty) managed to cut off quite a few things from the list. I searched for somethings on an American Online Shopping site and (you believe it or not) the new list had entirely different stuffs in it. Not even a single old one.

I called up my brother and mailed him some things. He being busy ended up replying me with one or two words which made my excitement grow to the core. And finally on some particular day, he called me up and said he was going for shopping to San Francisco which made me quite happy.

And now he is back. Its almost 7-8 days since he is back and I still don't know what surprise is waiting for me.He being very surprising, keeps black mailing me and wants me to wait and wait and wait. And me being impatient asks him almost everyday to reveal the stuffs or let me know when he is coming. My heart thumps with excitement everyday. And if I happen to ask more he yells at me :P but still I keep asking him!! Keeping fingers crossed, I hope to get the BEST. Although I am sure he would have brought me something or the other because I know how caring and loving he is and would never make me sad!! :-)